Harbour Master

  • Genre: Application
  • Company: Bukammen ltd.
  • Project Length: 24 hours
  • Project URL: www.bukammen.com

Game Description:

The Harbour Master (HBM) system is AIS based and delivers automated visit reporting in user-defined area, overview of current and past activity, notifications, community integration and more.

HBM is web based, easy to access and user friendly. Gives harbour operators tools to simplify their daily workload and operation. Exports to accounting and other systems.

In-depth description of my contributions

What I did initially:

I started working here previously as part-time doing things such as system maintenance, system updates and back-ups.

After some time I was assigned to work on a .NET project where I would create a console app which will retrieve data from a source, parse those data and import them into the Harbour Master database. During the process I would make use of tools such as Visual Studios and SQL workbench

What I learned:
This project was the first ever programming-related project I've done which did not have anything to do with game development. After about 4 years of using C# in Unity, I was able to experience how C# is used outside of Unity and to be honest, it wasn't much different, I mean it was still the same language. I was just using a different naming conventions and was doing more of actual data-handling than in game development where I would be handling interactions between objects, characters and sprites.